When it comes to getting fitter and healthier in life, a lot of people tend to struggle. This isn’t down to any of their own flaws, but simply because a lot of it can be quite confusing. If we want to get in shape, we might start to overthink and we might start to go down needless rabbit holes. Different people online will come up with complicated solutions in order to seem plausible and more professional. They will also contradict a lot of basic ideas simply to sell products and courses. Getting in better shape and feeling healthier doesn’t have to be as difficult as some people make out.
Health in general can be boiled down to pretty basic ideas. From your primary care needs to the things you eat every single day, you don’t have to overthink it if you don’t want to. You will find that fitness becomes a lot easier if you simply turn it into a basic number of steps. If you want to go into further details, that’s absolutely fine, but don’t make it mandatory. You will get the results much quicker if you stick to fundamental ideas. Here are a few pointers if you are looking to start this journey and need some help:
Set Realistic And Clear Goals
Setting goals helps absolutely everyone on this planet. It gives you a reason to get up and try all kinds of things. Realistic goals will give you the drive to achieve everything you set out. It’s okay to dream big and have very high standards, but that should be the ultimate goal that you reach in many, many years. You cannot expect to reach unrealistic goals in a matter of months, for instance. When something is achievable, you feel as though it is within your grasp right now. Small steps get you to where you want to be in life.
Get Into A Routine That You'll Love
Routines allow us to establish somewhat of a schedule when it comes to improving ourselves. We know what we have to do next and we know that the routine will ultimately end in achieving the goal. You have to be careful with routines as you can get stuck in comfort zones that can be difficult to escape from. When you are trying to better yourself physically and mentally, however, it can be a hugely beneficial addition to your life. Routines can help with your mornings, evenings, nutrition, and exercise. You won’t have to panic about what to do next because you will already have a system in place. Do your best to simplify this routine as much as possible so that it is easy to stick to. A simple routine will also allow you to add different variables when you need to change things up.
Be Accountable
It’s a good idea to work out with your friends because you can create a sense of accountability that way. Of course, training with them is fun but it’s also an opportunity to work together on something more important. Accountability means that you will stay motivated and will have somebody cheering you on. You will not want to let them down and you will want them to be equally as positive towards their progress.
Embrace Home Workouts Whenever Possible
When you think about working out, you typically think about going to a gym or running. Sometimes, you can take part in a few activities from home. If it keeps you moving and keeps you motivated to improve, there’s nothing wrong with it. You could use the JustFit app and many other helpful applications to learn certain exercises and track your progress. Working out and exercising your body doesn’t always have to be this glamorous and painful process.
Create A Reward System For Yourself
It’s common to think that this entire process is one of discipline and pain. If you take that kind of approach, you might find yourself wanting to give up sooner rather than later. It’s a good idea to reward yourself whenever you reach certain milestones. You can do this by treating yourself to new clothes or going out for a meal. You could even spend money on a lovely getaway whenever you achieve something. These kinds of rewards reinforce your progress and help to keep you on track.
Track Your Progress In Ways That Suit You
As long as you are tracking your progress, you are doing something right. Just like with most things in life, you have to find a way that suits you and makes you feel productive. You can track your progress by taking photos or using an app. You don’t have to be completely strict with this progress, but it will help you to see how far you have come. It’s a visual reminder of all the hard work you have put in over a long period of time.
Focus On Being Consistent - Not Perfect
When you see people in great shape, it’s common to think that they may do everything perfectly. The truth is that they keep things very simple and they are consistent with it all. They don’t do anything special, they just stick to a certain plan for 90% of the time. Do not assume that you have to do everything with excellence. You just need to make sure that you are sticking to your plan more often than not. If you are sticking to a solid diet and activity for six months, you will reap the rewards.
Mix Up Fun Workouts
If you don’t want to work out a particular way, then don’t bother. Find something that actually makes you happy and do that. It doesn’t matter if it is simple or if it is wacky, it will help you out with your goals. You don’t have to go to a gym and lift weights if that makes you feel uncomfortable. If you do things that make you happy, it will motivate you to continue.
Rest When You Need To
When you get into the habit of exercising, it can make you feel as though you have to exercise every single day. This is especially the case if you love a particular workout. It’s okay to rest every now and again and allow your body to recover. This is actually where all the progress is made both mentally and physically. It’s always a good idea to give your muscles and joints time to recuperate after moving around a lot.
Positive Affirmations
Throughout this journey, you have to ensure that you are staying positive. Talking to yourself in the right way will allow you to continue through all kinds of challenges. It’s a good idea to speak to yourself as though you are speaking to your best friend. You obviously would encourage your friend and the absolute best for them, so do the same for yourself. It’s very easy to talk to yourself and be negative over the course of your health and fitness journey. You might think that this is a very basic point, but it’s something that can be so powerful.
Celebrate Each And Every Little Win
It doesn’t matter if you achieve something very minimal, progress is important. You might end up going through a situation that isn’t exactly pleasant, so the smallest change can be very positive. The more you celebrate yourself during this journey, the more motivated you will be to achieve more. As humans, we like ticking boxes and accomplishing things. There’s no point in only having one goal at the very end because you will feel as though the progress you made isn’t greatly important. When you are going through changes like this, you have to acknowledge each step and celebrate every possible victory.
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