The head protects one of the most important parts of our body, the brain. It is enclosed in a skull, which is wrapped around by a skin known as the scalp, which in turn is covered by hair. People have considered their hair as their crowning glory, and men and women alike have gone to great lengths to maintain it.
Unfortunately, people suffer from hair loss to the point of baldness. This is more common with men though women experience it as well. The good news is there are now several ways to prevent or reverse baldness, and it is categorically called hair restoration.
What is Hair Restoration?
Hair restoration is the process of bringing back hair. It may sound simple, but the truth is, it is complicated. Hair restoration for men is more common although the process is no different for women. Before proceeding to the different methods in which hair can be restored, one must first understand how hair grows and how it is lost.

Hair Growth
Hair is composed of several proteins linked together. It grows from minuscule pockets, called hair follicles, found underneath the top layer of the skin. This sublevel is known as the dermis, a skin layer that also contains sweat glands and nerve points. Hair undergoes three growth cycles; however, the growth duration differs depending on the body part where the hair is located. Typically, it takes a couple of years for the hair on the scalps to complete its cycle.
Several Factors May Cause Hair Loss Among These Are:
The human body undergoes continuous change throughout its lifespan. Metabolism slows down over the years, limiting the formation of new cells to replace the old ones. Hair follicles are not exempted from this, and without the presence of new hair follicles, no new hair will grow.

The texture and color of a person’s hair are hereditary; genes that come from either or both parents. Heredity also explains why a person may develop gray hair at an earlier age compared to others, and it is also a common factor behind male baldness.
Fungal or parasitic infections can cause skin diseases. The scalp is an area of skin; therefore it is not exempted from any sickness brought by the mentioned infections. Signs that show an unhealthy scalp are:
- Swelling
- Severe redness and itching
- Severe dandruff
- Oily or damp patches
When left unchecked, the infection can seep into the hair follicles, causing permanent damage that can result in hair fall and prevent new hair from growing.
Unhealthy lifestyle
Hair follicles are formed through an intricate process involving several components, with hormones being one of it. A hormonal imbalance brought about by an unhealthy lifestyle can destroy the development of new hair follicles. Aside from hormonal imbalance, an unhealthy lifestyle can also make the body prone to other ailments like skin diseases, among others.
Constant styling
Hair products and styling treatments can block hair follicles, effectively stunting growing hair. Chemicals from such products can also cause scalp irritation, and the continuous scratching you would be doing will weaken hair strands, making them brittle and easy to break.

Side-effects from medical treatment
Studies have shown that radiation therapy can kill nearby healthy cells, and hair loss is one of its side effects. Some drugs affect the growth cycle of hair, among these are:
- Chemotherapy drugs
- Thyroid medication
- Blood pressure
- Antidepressants
- Hormonal Balancer
- Steroids
Hair Loss Symptoms
It is common for people to lose a few strands now and then. However, experiencing any of these should make you consider going to the doctor:
- Increased number of lost strands
- Bald patches
- Noticeable areas with fewer strands
- Hair falls out easily
Hair Restoration
There are two basic categories of hair restoration:
1. Hair Care
Proper hair care can prevent hair loss, or treat it on its early stages. Some hair loss prevention tips are:
2. Living a healthy lifestyle
Maintaining a healthy diet and a regular exercise regime that will help keep the body healthy. This promotes better metabolism and cell renewal.
3. Minimize the use of chemicals during hair styling
If you are unable to go away with constant hair styling, the least you can do is minimize the use of chemicals. If this is still undoable, find time to get hair and scalp treatments that clean away the effects of styling products and revitalize the hair from its follicles.
4. Use natural resources like Aloe Vera to help keep the scalp healthy.
Studies show that Aloe Vera soothes the skin due to its natural moisturizing ability. This does wonders to your head as it conditions your scalp and keeps it healthy. A healthy scalp is one step away from hair loss.
5. Supplement your diet with Vitamin E
Vitamin E is known to be the "skin rejuvenator" as it has been used to keep skin healthy and helps boost the immune system.
Hair loss treatment
This deals with mild to severe situations. Here are hair loss treatments available today:
Minoxidil is considered to be the top medication for hair loss. It can be bought over the counter without a prescription, and it is easy to use. However, success rates vary along with its side effects. It is best to consult with a doctor before going for this treatment. Steroid shots to the scalp can entice hair follicles to start growing hair. This method is usually done for small bald spots but is not recommended for larger areas.Hair Transplant
A hair transplant is a surgical procedure wherein healthy hair follicles, along with the hair, is taken from a healthy spot and planted on a bare area on the scalp. This process is repeated until the bald spot has enough hair follicles. There are two objectives for this procedure: the bald spot will be covered with hair, and healthy hair follicles are expected to rejuvenate nearby hair follicles or create new ones.Follicle Cloning
This is a procedure that allows hair follicles to be grown in a test tube before being transplanted into a scalp. This is still in the development stage, but professionals are looking forward to its realization and actual use soon.
In Summary
It is understandable that hair loss may cause distress to some people. Some people simply embrace their baldness especially if it runs in the family. For others, the points provided here should give you an idea of what to do to prevent or treat hair loss. The best advice is to consult with your doctor before attempting self-treatments.
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