effective way to promote kids emotional well being

Well-being – you’ve probably heard about it quite a lot. But what does it mean? Being socially connected, healthy and happy are all parts of increased well-being. Childcare workers, educators, and parents are all responsible for fostering it in children early. 

Unfortunately, mental health issues are common nowadays, affecting individuals of all age groups. When it comes to children, their primary source of support should be their parents. They should listen, understand and encourage them. Children learn by observing adult behavior, so it’s every parent’s responsibility to be good role models and teach their kids lifelong skills they can use later on. 

Read on to learn some tips on improving your child’s well-being. 

Build a positive home environment

Your child’s mental health will be as good as your home environment is. Therefore, parents should ensure the mood at home is lively and cheerful. The home environment should be a safe haven for children, and you can build one by showing them love and appreciation. It’s imperative for kids to feel worthy and validated, so don’t forget to praise them for their small achievements. 

You don’t have to make any superhuman efforts – good parenting is all it takes for a kid to grow up emotionally stable. Just be there for your child; ask them about their daily interests, likes, and dislikes. Create a safe space where they can share their feelings. Parents need to ensure conversations are smooth in their home and there aren’t any behaviours that could make their child feel unsafe. That way, their kid will open up to their parents when they feel hurt or sad. 

Teach your kid to be kind to themselves

Self-kindness is one of the most vital skills your kid can learn. Social media can sometimes be detrimental to people’s mental health – and this is especially true for children, as they are the most vulnerable and can easily fall into the trap of comparing themselves to people they see online. 

Kids learn through modelling, so you should lead by example and show them kindness by prioritising self-care. You can do this by setting a time every day to do things that make you happy. Do your best to avoid self-criticism because your child can imitate this behavior. Instead, try to speak kindly to yourself and your kid. Teach them there is no such thing as a bad emotion – only bad behaviors. By doing this, you ensure they learn to listen to their feelings and express them rather than bottling them up.

Promote regular playtime

Parents should motivate their children to spend time outdoors rather than having screen time for extended periods. They can either play with their friends or indulge in a sport they like. Staying outdoors boosts Vitamin D – a vital nutrient in a kid’s growth, and exercising is one of the most fundamental ways to improve your child’s mental and physical health. You can encourage them to spend time outdoors by building a play area in your backyard. For instance, a climbing frame with a slide is not only fun, but it also improves flexibility and strengthens their muscles. Plus, it boosts confidence and helps develop creative and logical thinking. A wooden climbing frame is the ideal playground equipment, as it is safe and eco-friendly. By adding it to your garden, you ensure your kid is happy and active. 

Playtime doesn’t necessarily have to be limited to outdoor activities. Mental games are also efficient in improving well-being. From board games to puzzles, children should spend their time doing these activities to stimulate brain cell growth. These outdoor and indoor games will boost their energy and reduce their stress levels. Plus, it will also help them sleep better. 

Encourage creativity 

It’s an adult’s responsibility to help kids learn about emotions and relationships. Since children are all unique, they need a different approach when it comes to these things.  

Creativity can help kids express themselves. Art, photography, music, and dance are just some of the ways children can express their feelings. It’s vital to figure out what they enjoy the most and encourage them to do these activities. 

Make sure your kid gets enough sleep

Sleep is a critical element in maintaining your child’s mental well-being. Not getting enough rest doesn’t only affect your physical health but also your mood. Sleep helps you cope better with challenging life situations, improves concentration, and strengthens your immune system

To ensure a kid gets a good night’s sleep, you can create a night routine for them. This can be having a bath before going to bed, listening to relaxing music, or reading a story. Just make sure they don’t use their devices before bedtime, as it can affect their sleep. 

Pay attention to their diet

Everyone knows food is vital for your physical health and body, but not everyone is familiar with the idea that what you eat also influences your mental health. The nutrients you intake impact your overall growth, and consuming the right ones can help regulate your mood.

Here are some foods that can help your kid maintain their well-being:

  • Salmon. Fish contain fatty acids that protect your brain cells. Similarly, Omega 3 fats support communication within your brain cells. Research has shown that the lack of Omega 3 in your body increases the risks of depression, so you should include this nutrient in your child’s meals to ensure proper mental health. 

  • Bananas. Bananas are considered the best fruits when it comes to enhancing mood. They also affect tryptophan, another critical amino acid that stimulates serotonin, helping you sleep better and boosting your energy. 

  • Sweet Potatoes. They are rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that reduces brain cell damage. They are also known for lowering oxidative stress, thus reducing depression and anxiety symptoms. 

  • Lentils. They consist of a vitamin that stimulates serotonin production, a brain neurotransmitter that contributes to your happiness. Lentils regulate your blood sugar levels, ensuring your mood is fine, and you have enough energy during the day.

Kids may be tempted to eat unhealthy food instead of healthy ones, so as a parent, you have to ensure their diet includes enough nutrients. You can add vegetables and fruits to their diet through sandwiches, smoothies, and other fun ways. By doing this, you ensure your child’s mental growth is aligned with their physical growth. 

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