There comes a time in many people’s lives where they decide that they want to further their career, and that’s great! Furthering your career can bring many new things into your life such as more opportunities, great perks, a reputation to be proud of and most of all, more money. Taking a step forward isn’t always as simple as it sounds, and there are certain steps that you can take so that you do have the opportunity to better yourself career wise. If you’re thinking that it’s time you stepped up and made a difference to your life, then here are five real life lessons about furthering your career.

Use your initiative
One great way of preparing yourself for a new role, and to also get yourself noticed is by using your initiative to pick up extra jobs around work that you wouldn’t normally do. For example, if you work in an office environment, it’s likely that you’re given a particular set of jobs to do each day to complete. Take a look around and see if there are any extra jobs that you could do, even if they are only simple roles.
Things like changing the paper or the ink in the printer, keeping the staff room clean, and even asking colleagues if they need help with their tasks will all make a difference. In a higher role you will likely have many more jobs to handle, so showing your superiors that you can handle more will definitely go in your favour.
Another thing that will make a difference would be to come up with new ways to improve the function of your workplace. For example, if there’s a process for paperwork in your office that could be improved upon, suggest the new and improved way to your superiors. This will make work easier for everyone involved and show great initiative.
Dress to impress
If you’re turning up at work in creased clothes and not wearing the full correct attire, it’s unlikely that you’d even be considered for a promotion. You may have to wear a uniform, and if this is the case then there are ways that you could make sure you’re impressing your boss at the same time. Make sure all of your clothing is properly ironed. A scruffy work shirt isn’t what anyone wants to see. Make sure your shoes are regularly polished (if this applies to you) to improve your appearance even more.
While tattoos and piercings are now more accepted in the working world, consider taking any piercings out and hiding tattoos to make yourself look cleaner and more professional. Opt for simple and professional looking earrings if you want to still wear some sort of jewelry while you're at work. If you’re not required to wear a uniform as such, then you have much more room in the wardrobe department to smarten up a bit. Consider spending a pretty penny extra on your work attire so that you will look your best all of the time. Adding a watch to your attire instantly makes you look more professional. Matching your clothing to company colours will make you really look like a part of the team, and that will totally impress your boss.
Small details like having a matching belt or handbag to your clothing will also make you look even better. Take a look at how your boss dresses, and take inspiration from them. However, be wary not to copy them completely as this could be taken the wrong way! Making the extra effort with your clothing will show that if you were to get a promotion that you would dress with pride for your new role and be a great representation of the company.
Take courses
If you’re currently not in the career that you would like to be in, it might be time to think about taking a course or two so that you can take the step needed into beginning your new career. It’s understandable that going back to school, college or university might not be something that you can do, especially if you have a family and a home to pay for. Luckily, there are part time courses that you can take and complete in your spare time. Why not consider taking an online qualification so that when you’ve completed the course you can think about taking the next step in your career.
It goes without saying that courses will cost money too, but luckily many education programs offer affordable solutions for people that can’t afford to pay it off in one bulk, so it’s definitely something to look into.
If you’re already in the career that you want to continue with, then taking online courses may be the solution here for you too. Being able to approach your boss when a promotion comes up and telling them that you have the qualifications required will definitely work in your favour, and will impress your boss that you’ve taken it upon yourself to further your knowledge within the field.

Approach your boss
One thing you should definitely do is approach your boss about the situation! Your boss may not be aware that you’re looking to better yourself and move on up within the business, so speaking to them will be a great step to take. Even if they don’t have any positions available for you at that time, it will allow them to keep you in mind for when a promotion does become available.
It’s also a good idea to approach your boss if you have taken courses online so that they are aware that you’re now qualified for higher positions. The worst that’s going to happen by approaching them is the reply that there aren’t any current positions available! If you don’t ask, you don’t get! Another thing you could do is to ask your boss directly if there are any other jobs around the place that you could be taking on.
This will give them the chance to see you in action and show them that you’re able to handle more responsibility. Being trustworthy is a great trait to have, especially if you’re trying to further your career.
Make yourself visible
Finally, in some cases, your go-to boss might not be the person that can help further your career. If you work for a company that’s in a large chain there’s a chance that an area manager or even the owner of the company comes by once in a while. This is where you need to make sure that you’re seen at work so that they can take you into consideration for how hard you work. Do your very best to have 100% attendance.
A flaky employee won’t be considered for promotions. Anything that’s ordered online or within a company program, make sure that your name is at the bottom or somewhere where it will be noticed. If your name keeps popping up, it will get your bosses attention. Perform your absolute best at work, especially if you’re serving the general public.
This will make it more likely for your name to get back to your boss for all of your hard work. As briefly mentioned before, if there are any ways that you think you could improve the way you work, contact your main boss and put the idea past them. It won’t go missed, even if your idea is rejected!
These ideas might seem simple, but they really do work. Put these tips into play and you’ll soon notice the difference it makes for your career.
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