Although air pollution has become a major problem at present, many people do not realize that indoor air is much more important to us than outside air given that we spent the majority of our time indoors. The factors which cause indoor air pollution happen to be dirt, dust, humidity, mold, as well as other allergens. Apart from this, our desire to make our homes more energy efficient has resulted in the creation of areas which are completely sealed. This might result in the accumulation of fumes as well as other types of biological irritants including molds and dust mites. However, the positive thing is that there is no need to invest lots of cash for cleaning the indoor air and you can even do it on your own.

Why is it important to clean indoor air?

It is important to breathe healthy indoor air since this might affect our health in the long run. While spending our time indoors, pollutants and chemical gases might cause allergies, headaches, fatigue, as well as irritation to our eyes. Other serious contaminants can also result in different types of malignancies and other severe health conditions. In case you are breathing unpolluted air, it will be possible to prevent all these physical ailments mentioned above.

In the following paragraphs, we will take a look at how to improve the quality of air in our homes.

1. Cut out smoke

Hazardous particles can be emitted by open fires as well as candles and wood-burning stoves in a residence. These will pollute the atmosphere and affect our neighbors too. In case we want to go for a wood burner, it will be prudent to buy an efficient model out there. Make it a point to use only the cleanest fuel like dry wood rather than wet wood, or low-sulfur and low-smoke fuel rather than coal. In fact, a lot of "smokeless fuels" at present consist of petroleum coke. Set up carbon monoxide and smoke detectors in your residence and also ventilate the entire house in case you smell any smoke while you are using the appliance. Also, make certain that your appliance is regularly serviced and your chimney is cleaned at least 2 times every year.

2. Maintain the freshness of the floors

Suck it up. It is possible for allergens and chemical substances to gather at your house over the years. You can minimize the concentration of lead in your residence by using a vacuum cleaner that includes a HEPA filter. It will also be feasible to eliminate other toxic substances, for example, PBDEs (brominated fire-retardant chemicals), as well as allergens like pet dander, dust mites, and pollen. Use a vacuum featuring rotating brushes, strong suction power, plus an innovative HEPA filter that will make sure the dirt and grime will not get blown out within the exhaust. For the high-traffic regions vacuum the same area repeatedly. Take care to vacuum the carpet edges, the walls, as well as the upholstered furniture, where it is possible for dust to accumulate. Do not forget to vacuum twice or thrice every week to get the desired results and also wash the filter on a regular basis.

Mop it up. Mopping will be able to gather the dust that has been left behind by the vacuum cleaner. However, it will be a smart idea to skip the cleaners and the soaps and use water instead for capturing any leftover allergen on dust particles. In fact, fresh microfiber mops can trap more dirt and dust particles as compared to the conventional fibers out there.

Keep it out. Place a big floor mat at every single entrance. Individuals bring in all sorts of chemical substances into your residence by means of the dirt that accumulates on their footwear. A floor mat can prevent a significant amount of pesticides, dirt, and other contaminants from entering your home.

3. Maintain a healthy humidity level

It is a fact that mold and dust mites adore moisture. However, it is possible to keep them under control by maintaining the humidity to around 40 to 50%. You can also invest your money on a dehumidifier (plus an air-conditioning unit during the hot summer months) which will help to minimize the moisture within your residence significantly. An air conditioner will also help to minimize the pollen count indoors, which is yet another plus point for those who are suffering from allergy.

4. Keep your air-conditioning unit in top condition

AC units will help to enhance the quality of air indoors by drying the indoor air out and also revitalizing the stale air. Most of the air-conditioners out there come with a special type of filter which can clean the air while removing pollens and impurities as well. However, it is essential to clean the filters regularly and in case you happen to be a resident of Singapore, it will be a smart idea to go for a reliable air con servicing in Singapore who will perform the job of cleaning flawlessly. Make sure to compare at least a few of these servicing companies before hiring the ideal one for you.

5. Enhance ventilation

Proper ventilation will help to minimize the moisture levels, which can be a problem of indoor air at present. However, there is no need to keep the window open and allow the outdoor air pollution to enter in your room. Instead, it will be prudent to set up trickle vents for purifying and cycling the air which you breathe within the room. Another option will be to make use of exhaust fans adept at carrying contaminants outside. Do not forget to ventilate your kitchen as well given that cooking can result in significant air pollution indoors.

6. Activated charcoal

Activated charcoal will act as an effective air purifier. It is highly absorptive and also does not produce any smell whatsoever. Moreover, it helps to get rid of toxic substances from the air. Bamboo charcoal will be one more surefire solution to purify the air within the room.

Aside from using activated charcoal for stomach bug relief and other gastrointestinal distress, activated charcoal can also serve as an effective air purifier.

7. Portable Smoke Eater

Keeping a portable smoke eater around keeps your air clean by trapping the smoke particles cleaning the air and blowing it back into the room. This handy gadget is just as great in large areas at getting rid of airborne pollutants and as effective as commercial smoke eaters found in cigar lounges, hookah bars, shops, and factories. 

7. Essential Oils

Essential oils including oregano, clove, cinnamon, lemon, rosemary, grapefruit, thyme, and tea tree will prevent the development of fungi, harmful bacteria, and viruses. It has been shown by studies that some essential oils have an astounding 99% kill rate against most of the airborne bacteria out there. These essential oils will likewise purify the air by making the residence free from harmful germs. These can also be added to detergents and soaps which will allow us to inhale cleaner and fresher air.

Let us hope that these guidelines mentioned above will help you make your home a healthy and happy place for you as well as your loved ones. It needs diligence and discipline on the part of the homeowner to keep the air within the room free from pollutants and toxic substances. If you find it difficult to perform the chore of cleaning the indoor air on your own, it is advisable to take the help of any home service professional who is properly equipped to get the job done impeccably. Try to find one that has got the much-needed experience behind them and also whose rates are reasonable.

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