Most people have heard the word Dandy in connection with fashion. The term was first made popular in 18th-century England. At the time, it was used to describe people that dressed more strikingly than the average man.

The original Dandies made a conscious effort to put their physical appearance first. They would dress in multiple layers, embracing the fashion trends of the time, such as ruffles and bright colors. Everything about their style hinted at a posh and over-the-top person. It was indeed particularly important to accessorize every look: pocket watches and golden walking sticks were the norm. 

This dedication to appearance had a purpose: to help men rise above the mediocrity of the day and show that they were mentally superior to everyone else. In essence, the original Dandies dressed themselves up as much as possible to reflect the fact they were pushing their minds as much as possible (remember Oscar Wilde?).

Today, being a dandy is becoming popular again. Now it means being dedicated to looking your very best at all times. In short, the modern dandy is a man that puts his physical appearance above everything else.

If you want to change your look and need some inspiration, then start with fashionable collections inspired by the Dandy movement. For example, you could take a look at the Superglamourous Dandy Collection. After all, the shoes make the outfit.

Dandy Look: Features And The Leap To Modern Times

Features Of The Modern Dandy Look

There are several aspects you need to get right if you want to adopt the modern dandy style.


If you are prioritizing your appearance, then you need to make sure your clothes have a tailored look. You can opt for a snug fit or something a little looser, but whatever you choose, it must be tailored to your body shape.

Embrace Colors

Unsurprisingly, the modern dandy style is still keen on embracing colors: in most cases, the brighter the better, but you don’t need to stick to one single color. Jackets and trousers can be vastly different in colors, provided they go with each other. It’s critical to make sure the outfit works as an ensemble, whether it’s pink, orange, or pale blue.


Alongside colors, you should look to add multiple layers, since they grant more mystery and authenticity to the outfit. When adding layers, make sure to use quality materials. The better the quality of the clothing, the better you’ll look.

Detail Matters

Detail makes a huge difference when it comes to dandy style. The modern dandy makes sure that every button is positioned correctly, that the garments fit properly and that all items balance each other out, so that they don’t clash.

It can take practice to get this part of the look right.

Add Classic Accessories

A dandy outfit needs the right accessories. Classic items such as the pocket watch remain a nice touch, as do a classic pair of brogues or Belgian loafers.

A Dandy Looking man sitting on setps

Summing it Up

If you have ever agonized over what to wear or how your chosen outfit looks, now you know what it’s like to be a dandy. When you adopt the dandy style you pay that much attention to your clothing all the time.

Of course, you also need to pay attention to your hygiene, skin, and hair care. Looking your best will become second nature to you.

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