Men tend to have a preference when it comes to their facial hair, and their significant others often have some say in the selected style as well. Countless men love a well-groomed and precise beard, but others choose to allow the beard to grow naturally with very little styling. Certain males allow nothing more than simple scruff, and many men won't go out in public with anything less than six months of facial hair growth. Every beard is unique as is every male. However, men all have one thing in common. At one time or another, they have made a mistake when shaving or trimming their facial hair.
This mistake could involve cutting too high on the jawline. However, innumerable men have unintentionally removed a portion of their mustache only to recoil in horror upon seeing this error in the mirror. When a mistake of this nature is made, the male often panics and wonders how best to hide the blunder. Is it possible to reattach the hair, call on a miracle to erase the mistake, or hide at home until the hair grows back? When none of these options will work, benefit from the following tips to make the most of this mistake and avoid a complete catastrophe.
Shaving Too High
Of shaving errors committed by men, shaving too high remains the most common today. Men want to order and maintain when it comes to their beards, and mustache wax available at helps with this. Nevertheless, men also must cut or trim their beards regularly, and quite a few choose to use the area where the neck and head meet as their guide. However, a male might opt to cut higher on the jawline, and this tends to be where mistakes are made. Men frequently cut higher than they actually wanted to and it shows. Fortunately, there are two ways to correct this mistake.
When the beard remains too short to hide the mistake, trim it to a shorter length. A good rule of thumb at this time is to cut or trim the beard until it is the equivalent of seven days of scruff using the 1/8th inch setting on the trimmer. This makes the facial hair less prominent and allows the hair to grow back without being so noticeable. If the beard was long before the mistake, consider mutton chops or a handlebar look. Regardless of which option is selected, don't let the mistake stress you out. Simply look for a way to minimize the error and move forward with life. Keep in mind the beard does grow back and this mistake will be short-lived.
The Mustache Is Too Short
Although a mustache adds to a man's appearance, it becomes bothersome at times. Food gets trapped in the hair, it gets in the way when you are kissing your special someone, or it interferes with your ability to play a musical instrument. Men, when they encounter one of these situations, often choose to trim their mustache while allowing the beard to grow. Nevertheless, they frequently cut the mustache unevenly and trim it too short when trying to correct the mistake. Thankfully, men discover they can easily fix the problem, and it's simply a matter of knowing what to do.
The easiest method of fixing this issue involves nothing more than using caution when initially trimming the mustache. There's an old saying, "measure twice, cut once." That definitely applies when it comes to trimming a mustache, as hair takes time to grow back. Men often choose mustache-trimming scissors to reduce the risk of cutting too much, and a pair of clippers used slowly and carefully is also of great help. Work to get the mustache even without rushing the process. Nobody needs to set a record for cutting the mustache quickly. When a mistake is made, immediately stop cutting. Step back and reassess the situation. Try to even the facial hair before allowing it to grow back on its own.
Something Caught in the Beard
Beards catch everything. Regardless of how much a man tries to avoid getting debris in the beard, it can and does happen. At times, the beard attracts food such as crumbs from chips, but it also could gather numerous other things. Head out to the park for an afternoon with the kids and you may come home with a leaf or twig after rolling around in the leaves. This doesn't even take into account the confetti that may decorate the beard after a wild party where things go flying through the air. At times, cleaning the beard takes little time and effort. At other times, cleaning the beard becomes a laborious task.
Sticky and non-water soluble items typically remain in the beard until they come out on their own. The other option tends to be cutting the item out. For example, chewing gum becomes embedded in the beard and nothing seems to get it out. People often say peanut butter removes the gum, but that's not true. In fact, putting peanut butter in the beard often means the man now has two unwanted substances trapped in the hair that needs to be removed.
Allow the gum to dry before attempting to remove it using any method. Take a pair of scissors designed for use on the beard and slowly begin to cut the gum out. This takes time and effort on your part but will allow you to keep as much of the hair as possible. When done right, others might not be able to tell that the beard has been altered in any way. In the event, this isn't possible and removing the substance requires cutting down to the skin, restyle the facial hair to minimize the damage. Take a new style and own it confidently. There's no reason to let a piece of gum or other item ruin your self-confidence because every man with a beard has encountered a situation such as this.
Men with beards know how common these mistakes are. Fortunately, the reaction to the mistake is what remains truly important. Make use of these tips, learn from your mistake, and move forward with life. Doing so is something you will never regret.
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