Moving to a New Place: A Comprehensive Checklist

Regardless of whether your previous relocation was to a different state or merely to a neighboring street, it likely concluded with the exclamation: "Never again!" To facilitate a more seamless experience this time, consider utilizing this comprehensive moving checklist. It not only outlines the necessary tasks but also indicates the optimal timing for each activity to alleviate stress. Print it out, methodically check off each item week by week, and perhaps the end of your next move will be more relief than frustration.

Research Movers 

If you’re ready to do the move yourself, you can always consider a 16 foot truck rental. It’ll get the job done. However, if you’re not experienced with driving such a large vehicle, then you might want to consider hiring a moving company instead. Ensure that each written estimate you get from different companies comes with a USDOT number. This number verifies that the company is registered with the U.S. Department of Transportation and adheres to its safety regulations.

Start Ordering Moving Supplies

Boxes, bubble wrap, lifting straps, you name it. The more things you can get your hands on before you move, the easier the process will be.  Invest in some permanent markers so that you can label everything and know what to unpack first when you get to your new destination.

Taking Measurements 

It would be a good idea to take out your measuring tapes and verify the dimensions of the rooms in your new residence. If feasible, ensure that your larger furniture items can pass through the doorways. The last thing you need is the added stress of attempting to maneuver an excessively large couch.

Purging Things You Don’t Need

Go through each room in your home and determine which items you wish to keep and which ones you can do without. Consider whether any belongings may necessitate special packing or additional insurance coverage. If you consider decluttering before the move, you’ll have fewer things to worry about and, thereby, less to pack.

Create A Moving Budget

The last thing you want is to empty your wallet just from moving. It is important to keep track of your forthcoming moving expenses, which may include costs for boxes, hiring moving services, renting a van, and repurchasing essential items such as toilet paper for your new residence. Additionally, consider that you will likely need to take time off from work, which may lead to a reduction in your monthly income.

Check In With Friends and Family

Moving to a New Place: A Comprehensive Checklist

Whether you’re moving far away or just down the street, it’s still important to reach out to your friends and family. Inform them of your moving date, schedule, and the overall plan to facilitate the process. This is not only a chance to enjoy quality time together, but they may also be willing to assist you with the move. Furthermore, it presents an excellent opportunity to declutter by parting with unnecessary items, such as gifting them items that they might need or want.

If you’re considering moving, be sure to shop around and find a moving option that best works for your budget. Call your local rental representatives today.




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