When you’re looking to protect your home, the exterior is a place deserving of your attention. While you might not be able to make it like a fortress in the way that the A-list celebrities are able to do, there are some useful tips that are worth knowing in order to keep your grounds protected from those outside - human or otherwise

Here are some useful things to do to your home exteriors to keep them secure and private all year round.

How To Keep Your Home Exteriors Secure And Private

Fit your home out with CCTV

First and foremost, fit your home with CCTV. Before the appearance of modern security cameras, a lot of the CCTV a few decades back would have been expensive to install and maintain.

Nowadays, you can get doorbell-sized cameras fitted in and around your home to provide a sense of security and protection. You could have these cameras very apparent and visible, or you might want to obscure them more so that they don’t look so obvious.

Having them available to see is often a great way of deterring those who are looking into your home or scoping it out as an opportunity to break into.

Fit fencing for privacy and security

Fencing is a good investment to make when it comes to the exterior of your home. From a design point of view, it’s a useful way of adding definition and shape to the exterior space.

When it comes to security, fitting fencing provides additional protection to your home. A fence company is a great way to get it done quickly and effectively, There are plenty of variations in fencing available, including ones that go above head height and therefore offer greater privacy than you might be after.

Get a guard dog

A guard dog is a great option for those who are looking to get protection in and around the home. Of course, a dog isn't just for a temporary period and it’s important to make considerations for having a dog become part of the family.

You might want to be wary when it comes to dogs around your children and make sure they’re trained properly to be around children of younger ages in particular. 

Secure your windows and doors

Securing your windows and doors is a must when it comes to your home’s security. A compromised door or window could lead to security issues and a potential break-in if an individual were to walk by and spot it from afar.

When it comes to keeping your windows and doors secure, be sure to check all of them properly on a regular basis. Make sure they shut properly and that they aren’t damaged in any way. If there is damage, then it’s important to get it fixed or replaced as soon as possible. Leaving it for too long can lead to greater risks for your home and for your loved ones.

Your windows and doors will have a shelf-life, so it’s always good to know how long your windows and doors have been installed, especially if you’ve only just started living in the property ahead of previous owners.

Add motion sensor lighting 

Motion sensor lighting is useful, especially when it comes to lighting up the home at night and scaring away any potential dangers that might be nearby.

With motion sensor lighting it will only be triggered when necessary, which will provide peace of mind otherwise. Motion sensor lighting is a great investment and definitely one that you want to look at getting for your property.

There are lots of places around the home where you can place motion sensor lights. It’s a good idea to opt for lighting that isn’t too harsh and doesn’t directly light up near any windows as it might make for a middle-of-the-night scare.

Have an alarm system in place

Finally, to add to the plethora of security measures, an alarm system is also worthwhile to have when it comes to arming your home with security.

While cameras and lighting are a good deterrent to stop break-ins, there’s nothing like a loud siren-type noise going off to wake up all your neighbors on the block. Alarm systems are great deterrents and are certainly worth placing in your home, even if they go off every now and then by mistake.

Keeping your home exteriors secure and private is an important part of keeping you and your loved ones safe. Use these tips to make sure all areas of your home are protected from harm’s way.


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