Pineapple Method for Natural Hair: What It Is & How To Do It

Having naturally beautiful curly hair is the dream of many women out there. Yet, those ladies who have it know how difficult it might be to maintain sometimes. Even though a lot of people believe that curly hair doesn’t need any special care, it appears that it actually does need much more maintenance that those people would have expected. Do me a favor and ask that friend of yours with curls on her head what she does to keep the curls so perfect at all times and you will be in for a very long story.

If you are rocking your own natural curls, then you definitely know how difficult it can be to make them look great at times. It’s almost as if those strands all have their own lives and each one of them is so stubborn that you cannot get them to agree on anything. One curl will jump up, trying to be the tallest of them all, another will get separated from the crowd in order to stand out and a third one might keep getting straighter and straighter just out of spite. Simply put, controlling your strands can often turn into a nightmare.

It can take so much time and effort to perfectly style those curls, even when you follow all the tips and tricks, such as the ones on this page. That’s only the styling part, though. What about keeping your hair healthy? A lot of women are struggling with the dryness of their strands, trying to find a way to keep the locks healthy even though they are so dry all the time. That’s one issue you can come across when your hair is naturally curly and, believe me, there are others.

Keeping It Styled

Pineapple Method for Natural Hair: What It Is & How To Do It

Then, there is also the question of keeping your hair in order and not having to spend too much time every day fixing the style that you have previously made. I’m guessing you are by now aware how difficult styling your curls can be and when you have to keep on doing the same thing day after day, you are bound to get tired. Not to mention the fact that it can never look as great as it did on the first day of styling it.

So, you have to wash it once more and go through the whole care routine all over again if you want it to look great. Or, you could always put it in a bun and forget about it, but it would really be a shame not to flaunt those curls when you have them. Washing it and going through the whole routine all over again can take hours, though, and you simply don’t feel you can devote those hours to your hair every single day. Is there anything out there that could solve your problems, or do you have to keep on doing the same thing day after day for the rest of your life?

Luckily, people from the curly hair industry never stop surprising us with their products and techniques designed to make things a lot easier. They have come up with a solution that can help you have a perfect hairstyle even on the third day after washing it. The solution I am talking about is called the pineapple method but, surprisingly enough, it doesn’t involve putting any pineapples on your head. I can’t imagine how that would help you.

The best thing about this technique is that it is fairly easily done. Even though it has such a fancy name, the truth is that you won’t need to go to a saloon to have it done and you won’t even have to spend too much time in front of the mirror to do it yourself. Its beauty lies in its simplicity as well as, of course, in its effectiveness. Let us take a closer look at what this method actually is, what it is good for and how it is done.

The Pineapple Method

Also known as pineappling, this is a curly hair technique that allows you to preserve your style overnight and keep your curls looking beautiful the next day. Many women have reported that this method has allowed them to wash their hair less frequently, because it not only stays amazingly styled, but also fresh. Plus, this method can be worn as a style on its own, because it really does look cute on all the ladies who have curly hair, giving them a casual, yet modern look.

Read this for more info about the technique:

The whole technique can be compared to making a pretty loose ponytail on the top of your head, because that’s exactly what it takes for you to apply the method on your hair. Still, this is far, far more than a simple ponytail, especially because it comes with a lot of benefits that you would never expect to get from any style of ponytail that already exists. Let us take a look at those amazing benefits before we proceed to giving you some useful tips on how to successfully make this style on your head.

Pineapple Method for Natural Hair: What It Is & How To Do It

It Keeps Your Hair Beautifully Stylized

As we have already made it clear, one of the biggest difficulties that women with curly hair are faced with on a daily basis is the process of controlling their curls and keeping them beautiful and in order. While we are all for the “messy” and “casual” look, it’s time to tell the truth here. Nobody just wakes up with a cool, messy and casual style. It takes time to create that one too. Well, it seems that you might very well be able to wake up with a perfect style without taking any time whatsoever to create it in the morning.

The pineapple method allows you to sleep through the night peacefully without worrying that your hair will get all messed up and that you will have to spend a lot of time trying to make it look presentable, leading to you possibly being late for work or an important appointment. You can pineapple your hair right before sleep so that you can wake up looking beautiful. No, waking up looking beautiful is not only seen on movies and TV show. It can actually happen in the real world and this little technique can help with achieving that.

It Helps You Wash Your Hair Less Often

When you wake up with hair that just won’t listen to you, there are two ways to actually tame it. For starters, you can constrain it in a bun and be off, without actually feeling satisfied about the style you have created. On the other hand, you can decide to wash it all over again and spend some more time focusing on it so that you get a perfect hairstyle instead of walking around with a bun. Of course, a bun can be a life-saver at times, just try not to make it your “trade mark” of sorts, by wearing it too often.

How would you like to have a perfectly styled hair every day without having to put it in a bun or wash it? If you’re excited by that idea, then you should definitely try out the pineapple hair method. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you will be able not to wash your hair for the rest of your life, or for a month or so. It simply means that you can reduce the frequency of washing it to once or twice a week tops. That’s a pretty good result, if you ask me.

It’s A Cute Style On Its Own

Now, while you probably won’t wear this style on its own too often, simply because you will always have the perfect curls, it’s nice to know that you can always resort to it if you have no other option. The pineapple style will look cute and casual, so if there’s no other option, you can definitely go run your errands by rocking this hair do. If nothing else, it looks much better, much more modern and more chic than a boring bun that you are probably making day after day in the absence of better solutions.

How To Make It

While you probably already know that this technique consists of tying your hair in a ponytail at the top of your head before going to sleep, so that the curls don’t mess up overnight and so that the back and the sides of the head are the only parts affected by the pillow, I’m pretty sure you could use some tips on how to pineapple your strands the right way. I bet you have already come across some tips and tricks online and, upon trying to recreate them, you realized that it’s much more complicated than the online models made it appear. That’s when you decide that the tips either don’t work or that they simply take much more effort than you are ready to put in.

Let’s not allow that to happen with pineappling. I wouldn’t want you to feel as if this technique doesn’t work simply because you were unable to do it the right way. While the process might seem easy when you hear about it, getting a few concrete tips on how and when to pineapple your hair will definitely help you do it perfectly and get the best effects out of it. With that in mind, I will share a few useful tips below and get you acquainted with the right steps you need to take in order to get the most out of pineappling your curls.

Pineapple Method for Natural Hair: What It Is & How To Do It

 Make Sure Your Hair Is Dry

Making sure that your hair is dry is one of the most important steps here. If you leave it wet, you will wake up with pretty weirdly shaped curls, since the hair tie may leave indents. Letting your curls dry while they are in a tie will lead to those curls adjusting to the shape that the tie is dictating and that can really lead to some weird styles that you wouldn’t want to have in the morning. So, before you go any further, make sure that your curls are completely dry and if you have just washed your hair, use the blow dryer first.

Make It Loose

It’s important not to make the ponytail too tight, because, once again, the tie can make indents in your hair. You might want to think of using a tie that is known for not leaving any indents or a soft one that will be really gentle on your curls. Tie the hair up on the very top of your head and let it fall from there. And, don’t worry, using a soft tie doesn’t carry a huge risk from everything getting untied overnight.

Use A Satin Scarf Or Pillowcase

As you probably already know, satin is really gentle, making it perfect for curls. If you aren’t using a satin pillowcase, you can always get a scarf to wrap around your hair. Make sure that you tie the knot at a convenient spot, so that it doesn’t bother you while sleeping. This is an important tip for pineappling your hair (see more) but don’t worry if you don’t have anything satin on hand. You can try sleeping without it and the effects will be just as good.

Be Careful During Takedown

Taking down the pineapple is just as important as putting it up, meaning that you shouldn’t just do the first thing that crosses your mind if you really want to get the best out of this technique. The most important thing is to be gentle and careful when removing the hair tie. While there are a lot of methods to take down the pineapple, the easiest one is to simply fluff your hair with your fingers and have it regain its shape after removing the tie. If you don’t think that will work for you, you might want to find some more methods and try them out to see which one is the best for your particular curls.

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